2020 Files

Click the links below to download backup files to be used with the course.

The password will be: GGG1234

Each backup name will represent the completed section. Therefore, if we would like to practice entering data into a section we need to choose the backup file prior to that section.

For example, if we want to enter data related to section 7.30 we need to restore the prior section, section 7.25.

Section 1

Section 6

Section 7

Section 8

Section 9

Section 10

Section 11

2019 Files

This material is to supplement the QuickBooks 2019 & 2018 Course. Click the links below to download backup files to be used with the course.

The password will be: GGG1234

Each backup name will represent the completed section. Therefore, if we would like to practice entering data into a section we need to choose the backup file prior to that section.

For example, if we want to enter data related to section 7.30 we need to restore the prior section, section 7.25.

Section 1

Section 6

Section 7

Section 8

Section 9

Section 10

Section 11

2018 Files

The password will be: Password followed by the number of the file. for example the password for the first file is: Password1.10

Section 1 QB Backup – Password is: Password1.10

Section 6 QB Backup

Section 7 QB Backup

Section 8 QB backup

Section 9 QB Backup

Section 10 QB Backup

Section 11 QB Backup